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Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Bloggers should avoid Common SEO Mistakes, such as writing content that is not optimized and contain low, difficult keywords. Having a slow website, or writing articles without using internal and external links Also bad for your website.
We could consider failing to have a mobile-friendly website, forgetting about using header tags, writing content less than 300 words, and having a bad link-building strategy Common SEO Mistakes that will lead your website to be in the last page on Google search.
We are going to talk about almost all mistakes that you should avoid in 2023 for a better ranking on google’s search engine.

Uploading images without Optimizing or using ALT:

ALT tags help search engine algorithms understand the content of the image and its relevance to the blog post or the webpage.
The website will be more accessible to visually impaired users, as screen-reading software can read the ALT text and make an image more understandable.
Optimizing images could reduce the page load time, which can improve your website’s user experience.

Forgetting about using Header Tags:

As developers know (H1, H2, H3, H4 etc.) are a critical part of web design and SEO. They provide structure and hierarchy to web pages, making them easier to read and navigate.
They also provide search engines with information about the content of a page, helping to boost its ranking in search results.
Finally, Tags can make your website stand out to viewers, giving it a polished and professional look. So Don’t forget about using Header Tags.

A website not Optimizing for Mobile:

Optimizing a WordPress website for Mobile ensures that your website is easy to use, providing a great experience for mobile users. It also helps to improve the website’s overall performance, increasing loading speeds and improving navigation.

Additionally, it can help you rank higher in search engine results, So consider it as a main factor.

Building low-Quality Backlinks:

Building backlinks can be a valuable factor in increasing website traffic, but it must be done with caution. If done improperly, it can be one of the Common SEO Mistakes that leads to penalties from search engines.
High-Quality Dofollow Backlinks should be earned through creating and sharing original, relevant content rather than buying links.
Therefore you have to be very careful with creating backlinks, or your website will be on the last page of google.

To Not care about Analytics:

One of the most common SEO mistakes made by WordPress website owners is not taking advantage of analytics.
Analytics provide valuable insights into how visitors interact with your website, helping you determine which content resonates best with your audience, where most of your traffic is coming from, and what type of content works best for your business.
Not using analytics can lead to missed opportunities, such as failing to capitalize on content that performs well, as well as not having the data necessary to make informed decisions about your website’s SEO strategy.

Content without Keywords:

Also, another one of the common SEO mistakes that can be made when creating content is not including keywords. Without keywords, search engines won’t be able to properly index and rank your content, meaning it won’t be visible to potential customers.
Therefore, always make sure to do research for low-difficulty keywords to give your content the best chance of being seen.

XML Sitemap submission:

Not submitting XML Sitemap can negatively impact the website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and visibility. Google use sitemaps to discover and crawl pages on a website. Not submitting sitemap can make it difficult for search engines to find and index all of the website’s pages.
As a result, the website may not rank as well in search engine results, leading to less traffic and visibility.
It’s important to submit the  XML sitemap to ensure that search engines can find and index your website.

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